Conditions of Booking

Bookings of all holiday accommodation whether made by telephone, e-mail, in person, in writing or over the internet are accepted by Corfe & Purbeck Holidays, acting as agent on behalf of the Owner on the following terms:

  1. Contract - Corfe & Purbeck Holidays acts as an agent for the Owner of the holiday accommodation and any Contract of Hire exists solely between the Hirer and the Owner of the accommodation for which the Booking is made, and shall be deemed to be made subject to these Conditions of Booking, which are governed by English law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
    The Contract of Hire is effective only from the date and time a written Confirmation of Booking is sent by Corfe & Purbeck Holidays. The Confirmation of Booking will show your booking details, the amount you have paid and the amount you still owe for the booking. As soon as you receive your Confirmation of Booking, you must check the details carefully. If anything is not correct, you should tell us immediately. Acting reasonably, we reserve the right to amend arrival (‘check in’) and departure (‘check out’) times so as to ensure the Property is ready for occupation, for example in response to a Force Majeure Event. So long as we are acting reasonably, the Hirer will not be entitled to a refund in relation to a change in arrival or departure times. The contract is for the hire of the Property for holiday purposes only. The composition of the party must be shown on the Booking Request Form and any subsequent changes must be notified in advance in writing. On no account may the stated maximum capacity of the property be exceeded without the prior agreement in writing from Corfe & Purbeck Holidays. Corfe & Purbeck Holidays reserves the right to refuse bookings, usually single sex groups of young persons are not normally accepted. We reserve the right to cancel a Booking made by anyone who is under 18 at the time the Booking was made. If any member of the proposed party suffers from a disability which might affect his/her ability to occupy the accommodation, this must be declared to and discussed with Corfe & Purbeck Holidays. We will do our best to assist with answering all queries. For the avoidance of doubt, if a deposit and/or full balance has been paid into our bank account, it will not mean the booking has been accepted, unless the Hirer has been issued with a written Confirmation of Booking. It is your responsibility to check your e-mails regularly and to let us know about any change to your e-mail address.
  2. Tenure - The accommodation is let for holiday purposes within the meaning of paragraph 9 of the First Schedule to the Housing Act 1988, and there is no right of occupancy beyond the stated and agreed period. The accommodation will normally be let for whole periods of one week, usually from Friday to Friday or Saturday to Saturday, to a maximum of four consecutive weeks. Bookings for short breaks of 3 or 4 nights will usually be available out of peak holiday season. Right of occupancy is dependent on guests abiding by their Conditions of Booking which are the conditions under which cottage Owners, and Corfe & Purbeck Holidays accept their contractual obligations.
  3. Prices - Prices are shown separately, with information as to what is included in the price.
  4. Bookings - Bookings will only be accepted upon receipt of a completed Booking Request Form and Booking Payment of one third of the total holiday price. Provisional bookings will be accepted by telephone, online or email and will remain open for a couple of days pending receipt of payment. If payment is not received by the required date, the accommodation may be re-let. A £35 booking fee is payable with your initial payment.
  5. Standard Initial Payment – If your Booking Request is more than 8 weeks prior to the start date of your holiday, a standard Initial Booking Payment (33% of your total booking cost – this may be rounded up to the nearest 10) will be due at the time of confirmation of your booking.
  6. Balance Payment - The due date for the balance payment will be 8 weeks prior to the start date of your holiday. Corfe & Purbeck Holidays do not usually contact you to remind you of the balance payment due date, unless the payment has not been made on time. If we do not receive the final balance payment by the due date, we reserve the right to cancel your booking, and you will forfeit the total cost of any payments made. By making your Booking Request and confirming your booking, you agree to pay Corfe & Purbeck Holidays the balance(s), by the specified date(s), and you authorise us to automatically take such balance(s) due to us from your chosen payment method if you do not make these payment yourselves, that you agreed to use at the time of your Booking Confirmation.
  7. Low Initial Payment - During certain periods, and for certain properties, Corfe & Purbeck Holidays may reduce the Standard Initial Payment payable for bookings and offer a Low Initial Payment. The amount of the Low Initial Payment will be advertised and confirmed in the Booking email confirmation. When you take advantage of our Low Initial Payment option for your Booking, you agree to pay us the difference between our Standard Initial Payment (as defined above) and your Low Initial Payment (the Balance of the Initial Payment) on the date specified in your Confirmation of Booking Email, or earlier if you cancel your booking. The Low Initial Payment is applicable to bookings at our discretion. Please note that if you cancel your Booking, made using our Low Initial Payment option, or we do not receive the relevant payment(s) from you in full by the specified date, you will forfeit the total cost of any payments made towards your booking. Furthermore, you will be responsible to pay the difference between the Low Initial Payment and the Standard Initial Payment (the Balance of the Initial Payment, plus any associated fees and cancellation charges.
  8. Pay Monthly Balance Option - We offer a pay monthly option for Booking Requests where the balance amount can be split into three or more monthly payments. The balance will be spread over the remaining term, up to the date 8 weeks prior to the state date of your holiday. The final balance payment will be due at least 8 weeks prior to the start date of your holiday. Corfe & Purbeck Holidays do not send reminders when the payments are due, unless the payments become overdue, then we may (but are not obliged to) contact you. If the scheduled monthly payments fail, Corfe & Purbeck Holidays reserve the right to cancel your booking. You will be responsible for any cancellation charges at this time.
  9. Breakage Security Payment - A Breakage Security Payment of £200 is required to be held against the possibility of damage or breakages or of a cottage being left unreasonably dirty or untidy. The breakage security payment is due with your balance payment, and we have options how to secure this payment. If you pay by credit/debit card or by bank transfer, please telephone 01929 480050 with your payment card details and they will be held securely on file, in place of the £200.00 breakage security payment. If you pay by bank transfer and you wish to pay the additional £200.00, the money will be returned at the end of the holiday, unless there is any breakages, damages to the property or if it is not left in a clean and tidy condition, when a deduction may be made to meet these costs. We would advise you of any deductions prior to making and charges. Please contact us if you have any queries regarding this payment.
  10. Cancellation - Notice of any cancellation must be received in writing by Corfe & Purbeck Holidays. In the event of a cancellation, Corfe & Purbeck Holidays will endeavour to re-let the accommodation on the same terms as existed. If Corfe & Purbeck Holidays are able to re-let the holiday a refund will be given, less the £35 booking fee and administration charge of £75. If the accommodation can only be re-let by accepting a reduced rental, the short fall is also payable. If Corfe & Purbeck Holidays is unable to re-let a cottage following a cancellation, the full cost of the holiday is payable.
  11. Holiday Cancellation Insurance - Corfe & Purbeck Holidays does not arrange holiday cancellation insurance for clients. Many clients will have cancellation insurance policies in force, possibly as an additional benefit of a property insurance or other existing policy. Some clients may have holiday cancellation insurance as an additional benefit when paying by Credit/Debit Card and should make their own enquiries and check with the relevant companies.
    Clients who do not have any other holiday cancellation cover are strongly advised to insure their holiday at the time of booking. It is your responsibility to check that your insurance cover is adequate. Corfe & Purbeck Holidays can suggest an insurer.
  12. Your Responsibility - For the duration of your stay at the Property, you will be responsible for the Property and will be expected to take all reasonable care of it. The Property and all equipment and utensils must be left clean and tidy at the end of the hire period. If a property is not left clean and tidy, any additional cleaning costs will be charged to the Hirer. Should there be any specific health or mobility difficulties which may affect a party member; this must be pointed out at the initial reservation stage so that the suitability of the Property can be assessed. The Property (including any car parking spaces) must not be occupied until after the check-in time and must be vacated by 10.00 am on the day of departure.
  13. Advertising Information - Whilst every endeavour is made to ensure the accuracy of the advertising information and any information given by Corfe & Purbeck Holidays, its employees or agents, such information does not form part of any Contract and no liability can be accepted for any inaccuracy of mis-statement contained there-in.
    All information in Corfe & Purbeck Holidays brochure or other marketing material and on our website is given in good faith and is believed to be correct at the time of going to press, but the Owner/Agent cannot be held responsible for changes beyond their control, which may become known after publication of this literature. In addition, whilst properties may be described as non-smoking or no pets, this cannot be and is not guaranteed. Please be aware that if a Property is advertised as having an enclosed garden, this does not necessarily mean a secure garden. It may be enclosed by hedging or open style fencing. The Owner/Agents description of a property shows what amenities that property has but generally does not state what is not in the self-catering property.
  14. Accommodation - Properties are available for occupation from 3.30pm/4.00pm, (depending on property size and can be occasionally later) on the first day of the holiday and must be vacated by 10am on the last day. On some occasions a late checkout can be arranged and an additional fee will be payable. Please enquire for details. The accommodation is cleaned and made ready for occupation prior to each guest arriving and guests are requested to leave the accommodation clean and in good order on departure. Any breakages or damages should be notified to Corfe & Purbeck Holidays as soon as possible. Items of broken crockery, etc. should not be replaced. Corfe & Purbeck Holidays will endeavour to ensure that the accommodation is fully equipped prior to guests taking occupation, but will not be liable for damaged, faulty or missing equipment or defects to the accommodation. Guests are requested to advise Corfe & Purbeck Holidays as soon as possible of any damaged, faulty or missing equipment, or defects in the accommodation, whereupon Corfe & Purbeck Holidays will endeavour to arrange a replacement or repair to be effected as soon as possible. Neither Corfe & Purbeck Holidays or the Owners can be held responsible for any third party breakdowns, malfunctions or cuts of utility services, such as gas, electricity, water supplies, sewage disposal, telephone or broadband/wifi, although every attempt will be made to remedy a problem should it occur. We cannot be held responsible for any noise or disturbance originating beyond the boundaries of the property. The gardens of some cottages contain mature trees. Corfe & Purbeck Holidays accepts no responsibility for injuries resulting from tree climbing. Any car parked at or close to any cottage let by Corfe & Purbeck Holidays is so parked at the sole risk of the owner of the car. The property descriptions aim to give you an accurate description of the property together with several photographs. Several properties have low ceilings, beams, doorways and twisting, winding stairs or uneven steps. Should you require further details regarding the property, its location or suitability, please contact us – we will always be happy to give you more information. If you have any doubt or if you have any specific requirements, please contact us and we will do our best to answer any questions to ensure you do not book a property which is unsuitable. We cannot be held responsible should a property be booked, that is unsuitable or inappropriate. Occasionally personal belongings are found after guests’ departure. If requested Corfe & Purbeck Holidays will endeavour to locate and return to guests any such items. No liability for such items is accepted by Corfe & Purbeck Holidays or the Owner of the property. The cost of postage and packing will be payable.

    Properties with Character
    If you choose to holiday in an older property, remember that much of its character and charm is due to its age. Some of our properties are well over 100 years old and were built long before the days of damp proof courses and cavity walls so some may show signs of damp, particularly in long spells of wet weather. The Owner will do their best to ensure that the background heating is kept on sufficiently to compensate, even when the Property is empty. Condensation can be alleviated by opening windows and allowing the air to circulate. If you have any concerns, please talk to us at the time of making your Booking. Also, please remember that should traditional property features (steep stairs or low beams, for example) be a problem for you or any member of your party, you must consider and mention this prior to booking. Please remember that properties in the country do attract spiders and therefore cobwebs. It does not mean that the Property is dirty or has not been cleaned as cobwebs can be spun almost as quickly as they have been cleaned away! In rural areas please be tolerant of the sounds and scents that you may encounter, they are all a part of the countryside experience!
  15. Pets - Guests may bring conventional domestic pets to some cottages and these are indicated in the cottage descriptions. Each property that accepts pets does have a limit. If you have more dogs than a property specifies please contact us and we can advise a property that will be suitable and this will be agreed in writing by Corfe & Purbeck Holidays. Intention to bring any pet must be declared at the time of booking and the appropriate fee paid. Any pets will be solely at their owners’ risk, and the pet owner must accept all liability for any damage or accidents caused by their pets. If there is found to be any dog mess remaining in the garden, a charge will be made from the breakage security payment, for somebody to clean up the mess.
  16. Guests With Allergies Relating to Pets: Please note that an assistance dog may have stayed in a chosen property recently (even one that doesn’t allow pets as standard) and the Owner may have a dog or cat that sometimes stays at the property. The Owner/Agent cannot accept responsibility or liability for any suffering, damages or losses which may occur as a result of such animals having been present. The Owner/Agent cannot guarantee and make no warranty that the property will be free from pet hair. Pets should not be left unattended in the properties unless a dog is create trained and is able to be left in a crate without causing a noise disturbance to other neighbouring properties. Corfe & Purbeck Holidays can provide details of a Pet Sitter. Pets should not be allowed on to furniture or beds and please bring bedding and towels for your dog.
  17. Charging of Electric Vehicles: Unless a specific EV charging point has been provided at the property for use by guests, the charging of electric vehicles from our properties is strictly prohibited. Electric vehicle charging can cause a serious safety issue, therefore, requires a protected circuit. If a vehicle is charged from a standard socket, it could cause a fire or damage to the property, and this will invalidate the property insurance. Please contact us for details if your vehicle will require charging during your stay and we can provide information of local charging points.
  18. Guests’ Undertaking - In making a booking through Corfe & Purbeck Holidays, guests undertake to occupy and use the accommodation for the purpose of a holiday; to occupy and use the accommodation carefully; to pay the costs of repairing or replacing any item lost or damaged during their occupancy of the accommodation if called upon to do so; not to do or permit to be done anything which may cause damage to the accommodation or disturbance or annoyance to the occupants of neighbouring properties; not to use the accommodation for any illegal or immoral purposes; not to do or permit to be done anything which may render invalid the insurance of the accommodation; not to waste electricity, water or gas; not to cause blockages in the pipes within the accommodation by allowing rags, nappies etc. to enter the pipes; and to permit the Owner or the Owner’s Agent together with or without workmen to enter upon the accommodation at any reasonable time upon reasonable notice, or at any time without notice in the event of an emergency. Any complaints must be made to us during your stay so we can attempt to rectify complaints made to us whilst you are staying at the cottage.
  19. Right to Cancel - Corfe & Purbeck Holidays reserves the right to refuse any booking or cancel any booking already made if the accommodation becomes uninhabitable or due to circumstances beyond its control for any reason whatsoever. In such circumstances guests will be offered alternative accommodation, if available, or a full refund will be made. Corfe & Purbeck Holidays or the Owner will not be liable for any other losses or for any damages in such circumstances.
  20. Clients’ Risk - The accommodation is occupied and used by the guests at their sole risk and Corfe & Purbeck Holidays or the Owners accept no liability for any injury or illness to guests, their invitees, or licensees, or for any loss or damage to their property, unless caused by negligence of Corfe & Purbeck Holidays.
  21. Availability of Force Majeure - The Contract of Hire is made on the understanding that the Property will be available for the dates stated. In the unlikely event that a Property is not available during the period of the Booking as a result of a Force Majeure Event or if the Hirer cannot legally travel to the Property as a result of a Force Majeure Event, then either (i) the Owner/Agent may be forced to cancel the Booking and you will be advised as early as possible or (ii) you must write to Corfe & Purbeck Holidays as soon as possible to inform us as to the Force Majeure Event and its effects on your ability to legally travel to the Property.

    In the unlikely event that the Owner/Agent is forced to cancel the Booking due to circumstances or events outside their reasonable control, the Hirer will have the choice of the following options:
    1. to transfer the Booking to a later date and/or another property free of any administration charges, subject to availability - the Hirer will have to pay any difference in price if the cost of the new booking is higher or be reimbursed the difference if the cost of the new booking is lower;
    2. to request a voucher with a redemption value equal to the amount previously paid for the Booking - the voucher terms and conditions will be available to the Hirer before they make their choice under this clause; or
    3. to obtain a refund of the amount already paid for the Booking (after deducting any administrative charges that apply to a Booking, such as the booking fee).

The Hirer will have to contact Corfe & Purbeck Holidays in order to access these options. The Hirer will not as a result have any further claims against Corfe & Purbeck Holidays or the Owner.

By making any Booking with us, you confirm that you accept these Conditions of Booking and terms and conditions and agree to comply with and be bound by them. These Conditions of Booking supersede any previous versions.

These Conditions of Booking include a number of defined terms as follows:

  • Booking: a legally binding reservation for use of the Property, with a specified start and end date.
  • Contract of Hire: the legally binding contract between the Hirer and the Owner for the provision of the Property for the purposes of the Booking and related services.
  • Force Majeure Event: means (i) any event or circumstance not within a party’s reasonable control including, without limitation, acts of God, flood, drought, earthquake or other natural disaster; epidemic or pandemic (if so categorized by a national or international health organisation), terrorist attack, civil war, civil commotion or riots, war, threat of or preparation for war, armed conflict, imposition of sanctions, embargo, or breaking off of diplomatic relations, nuclear, chemical or biological contamination or sonic boom, any law or any legally enforceable action taken by a government or public authority, which affects (directly or indirectly) the ability of the relevant party to perform a contractual obligation, collapse of buildings, fire, explosion or accident, or any labour or trade dispute, strikes, industrial action or lockouts and (ii) any binding legislation or law passed by the UK government or a UK public authority as a consequence of any of the events listed in (i).
  • Hirer: the person (“You”) making the Booking under these conditions of booking and by doing so entering into the Contract of Hire with the Owner.
  • Owner: the owner of the Property which is the subject of the Contract of Hire.
  • Property: the holiday accommodation made available (subject to these terms and conditions) to the Hirer for use for the purposes of the Booking.
  • Corfe & Purbeck Holidays: acting as Agent for the Owner